Florida court records
Court Records,  Genealogy Records

Any Skeletons in Your Family Closet? Find Them in the Florida Court Records

Florida court records

Florida court records are a treasure trove of information on families. As such, they’re a must-use source for anyone researching their family tree, or simply snooping on their relatives! Birth, death, marriage, divorce, criminal, civil, probate, tax, and land records can all be found in the Florida courts, often going back 150 years or more. In fact, if your relative or ancestor lived in Florida at all since 1850, there’s a good chance you’ll find a record pertaining to him or her.

Florida court records are a treasure trove of information on families. As such, they’re a must-use source for anyone researching their family tree, or simply snooping on their relatives! Birth, death, marriage, divorce, criminal, civil, probate, tax, and land records can all be found in the Florida courts, often going back 150 years or more. In fact, if your relative or ancestor lived in Florida at all since 1850, there’s a good chance you’ll find a record pertaining to him or her.

When you are looking for your own court records, or hoping to find some for your ancestors, you can go through a variety of sources, but you should know the most reliable of them all. Each state has an official web site through which you can either order these online or find out how you can mail in for them. These are much harder to get in the past thanks to identity theft, but you can find out all about them through such a web site.

Florida court records for those that have passed on are going to be much easier to find than for those who are still living. These vital records include birth, death, marriage, and divorce. You may also find home and property deeds and wills. Whatever the case, if you can find these for your older relatives, you have found important clues to tell you the next person down the line, and also, to verify that you have the right person. Each is equally important.

There are some great places where you can go to search out the court records of your ancestors that came long before you. These are called genealogy sites and they are everywhere online. Some have a membership fee and others are free thanks to volunteer efforts and donations. Not only can you search these for those records that you seek, you can also see if something comes up through the search engines.

The downside to searching out these court records is that it can take a while if you don’t know where to look or if you don’t have a lot of time. If you find a site that can find court records for you within seconds, would that be worth a small fee to you? That is something that is up to you. Know these sites can help so you know your options when searching out your family tree.